Manor Architecture Limited have adopted and introduced a business management system, based upon the ISO series of standards and the associated process management model.
The management system has been developed so that it provides a series of measurable targets to ensure that the practice’s objectives are continually being met and maintained.
Our management system forms a framework within which we have established the capabilities of effectively identifying and developing opportunities for continual improvement and growth through ensuring our clients remain fully satisfied with the service that they have requested, and that their needs and expectations have been fully met.
It is the policy of Manor Architecture Limited to supply services of high and consistent quality which meet the requirements, needs and expectations of its clients for quality and reliability at all times.
The practice aims to understand and respond to the needs of its clients and the communities they serve, where applicable, in a sustainable way.
This policy will be reviewed at on an annual basis to ensure that it remains up-to-date and relevant.
The Manor Architecture integrated management system defines the management’s responsibility and commitment to the organisation which, through periodic management reviews, ensures the suitability, achievement and maintenance of the practice’s objectives and that continuous improvement is implemented where possible.
Objectives for the practice, and for quality, health and safety, and the environment have been established as part of the company’s business plan which are reviewed on an annual basis.
We are committed to the full and effective working of the management system and everyone in the practice is responsible for applying the requirement in the performance of their duties.
It is part of Manor Architecture’s training programme that this policy is understood, implemented, communicated and maintained at all levels of the organisation.
This statement represents our commitment, on behalf of Manor Architecture Limited, to the management system.